Day in the Life of a Recruitment Consultant

As a recruitment consultant at Vantage, no two days are the same. Every day brings new opportunities and challenges. To be successful you need to be resilient, ambitious, organised and a great communicator. 

To get the lowdown on life at Vantage, we caught up with one of our valued team members, Joe Malkin, to share his insights on a typical day in the life of a recruitment consultant.


Wake up and have time with my family before a productive day ahead. I make a solid effort to get up before the sun comes up, it doesn’t always happen as I am only human but when I do it I start the day with the “beat it” mentality feeling motivated. 


Drive to the office whilst tuning into my favourite audiobook/podcast. This month it's “Never Split the Difference” – highly recommend. 


Morning meeting with the team to discuss our vision for the day, get the team focussed and ensure we are all feeling our best before heading back to our desks. 


During these hours we focus on connecting the best candidates in our individual networks with the best clients – we call this core recruitment time and the way that you spend this time all comes down to our organisation and plan for the day. 


When not dining out at the best restaurants on “Legends Lunch” we spend our lunch as a team, playing table tennis, going to the gym or simply kicking back in the Vantage lounge. 


The afternoon is about following on from the morning, I often book my meetings with clients and candidates during the afternoon going out to see them where possible. 


This time is spent going through the key happenings of the day with the team and working out what went wrong and what went well. It’s recruitment after all, things don’t always go the way you want them to so it’s important to talk about it and uncover areas for improvement/change, should you be faced with a similar scenario in the future. 


“The cooldown”, or as I call it “the warm up”. The key to a successful day in recruitment comes down to a solid day plan. Organising your time the night before is crucial, hence the reason I call this “the warm up” as you are simply preparing for the next day. 

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Joe Malkin

19th April

Career Advice Company news