How To Speed Up Your Hiring Process

It's time to speed up the hiring process.

In today's candidate-driven market, it's imperative that employers act fast when they find a candidate they like. The best talent is in high demand, and with more job opportunities available than ever before, it’s important that your company’s hiring process doesn’t put you behind your competitors.

In a recent survey conducted by Vantage, 46% of jobseekers said they expected the recruitment process from 1st interview to job offer to last just 1-2 weeks… but as an employer, how can you speed up your laborious and long-winded recruitment process?

Here's our top 6 tips to speed up your hiring process:

  1. Work with a specialist recruiter who understands your business and industry and has a pool of suitable candidates at their fingertips.

  2. Define a clear candidate profile so everyone involved knows what the 'perfect fit' will look like.

  3. Set aside time in the hiring team's diaries in advance to review shortlists. And whilst you’re planning diaries, stay ahead of the game and block out dedicated interview slots and time to discuss interview feedback in advance.

  4. Stick to 2-3 interview stages. If the candidate needs to meet multiple delegates, can you do this via a panel interview?

  5. Be flexible with times and location. Utilising phone and video interviews can significantly streamline the process.

  6. Be decisive and provide feedback to your recruiter/candidate without delay!

What are your strategies to speed up the hiring process? Please share your tips in the comments below.

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1st December
